“Don’t ever let fear of falling keep you from knowing the joys of flight.” – Unknown
“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that an airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”
– Henry Ford
“You see those beautiful white clouds up there…well I’m going to go up and fly with them”
– Captain EB Jeppesen
“Focus on the journey, not the destination!”
“I fly because it releases my mind from the tyranny of petty things”
– Unknown
“Every take-off Is optional. Every landing is mandatory!”
“If you choose a job you love, you’ll never work a day in your life”
– Confucius
“There is more to life, than being a passenger”
– Amelia Earhart
“Flying is more than a sport and more than a job, flying is pure passion and desire, which fill a lifetime.
– Adolf Galland
“The Sky is not the limit, it’s just the beginning”.
“Any pilot can describe the mechanics of flying, What it can do for the spirit of man is beyond description”
– Barry Goldwater
“Perfection is not attainable we can catch excellence”
– Vince Lombardi
“Speed is life and passion prevail, so enjoy the process.”
“More right rudder”
– Wright brothers
“The most important thing is never to stop questioning”
– Albert Einstein