Andre Liebenberg
Office Administrator
“Great pilots are made, not born. A man may possess good eyesight, sensitive hand, and perfect coordination, but the end result is only fashioned by steady coaching, much practice, and experience.” Johnnie Johnson
I grew up in Pretoria, where I have lived for the past 23 years. I love my hometown, and it’s where I hope to start a family unless aviation takes me and my family elsewhere. I fell in love with the aviation industry at a young age, and as time has passed, my passion and understanding of the industry have deepened. Nothing compares to the feeling of freedom, the breathtaking moments, and the level of intensity and adrenaline experienced as a pilot soaring through the air. Aviation has humbled me and taught me that the more dedication, persistence, accuracy, and commitment you put into your studies, the more skilled of a pilot you become.
Currently, I am working on completing my Commercial Pilot Licence. After its completion, I will pursue my instructor’s rating and aim to remain a part of my ‘Blue Chip Family’ for as long as possible.
In my free time, I enjoy playing paddle, spending time at the shooting range, and fellowship at church.